International look at the usa Art in America magazine is one of the best magazines in the world for art lovers. Its focus on all types of artwork and its interviews with leading artists sets this magazine apart from its competitors. Whether you have an interest in classic pottery or the modern art movement, you will find gorgeous photographs and a unique insight into each type of artwork. Art in America magazine focuses on the art scene in various countries around the world, including the United States. Though the magazine sometimes delves behind the scenes, the language is easy for even beginners to understand. The large full-color photographs that accompany each article help you better understand the techniques used by each artist, and the photographs include images of both paintings and sculptures. Many of the issues include interviews with some of the top names in the art world. In addition to reporting on talented well-known artists and beginners, you will find interviews with art collectors and museum curators who can give you a better understanding of different types or styles of artwork. Art in America magazine also includes extensive reviews of important books, including biographies of famous artists and collections of specific artwork. You will also find multiple gallery reviews that typically occur once a gallery launches a new exhibit, and these reviews will make you feel like you were there.